Featured Narrator: SUCH A VOICE Blog

Let me share a little story.

Way back in 2016, I was searching for something to soothe my inner angst. I didn’t know what exactly was going on at the time, but I thought taking my mind off of the angst with something new but close to my roots (theatre, and acting, of course) would help. So I signed up for a 2 hour “Intro to Voiceover” class hosted by Such a Voice at my local community college (shout out to community colleges!).

Fast forward almost 4 years, and I’m a full-time audiobook narrator being featured on the Such A Voice Talent Spotlight blog, offering advice to others who may want to start a similar journey.

I’m so grateful for everyone who has helped me on the way. This industry is one of the best for lifting people up, offering help, being transparent, and let’s not forget: FUN.

Thank you to Roth Bernstein at Such A Voice for asking me to share my story.

A story, indeed.