I’m so pleased to announce that WHILE THE MUSIC LASTS by Magnolia Robbins is now available on audio.

This was such a wonderful book to narrate along with co-narrator Sophie Daniels. The words were literally music to my ears. We can’t wait for you to hear it too.


From the Publisher:

In the world of the best-selling novel Forbidden Melody, comes a new stand alone novel.

Childhood best friends Florence Bell and Bailey Scott had known since they met that they wanted to play music together. What they weren’t prepared for, was falling in love.

Florence, a prodigy cellist, with world renowned musicians as parents, had always been destined for greatness. So, when she gets an opportunity of a lifetime, she has to take it and leave a devastated Bailey behind. 

After spending two years building a life without Florence in it, a tragic accident thrusts her into Bailey’s life once again. With years of unresolved feelings, can Bailey forgive Florence for their past? Can Florence remember it?

And will their music be what saves them both?


WHILE THE MUSIC LASTS is available on Audible, Amazon and Apple Books.