Upcoming Event: Midwest Mystery Conference

A black and white illustration of an open book resting horizontally on its cover, with a butcher knife stuck in the book's spine. Text in bold letters underneath the image: Midwest Mystery Conference November 5, 2022 9:00-5:00, Roosevelt University, 430 S. Michigan, 2nd fl, Chicago, IL. Text in red script: Meet Chicago Narrators!Hey! If you’re in Chicago this weekend, stop by the Midwest Mystery Conference on Saturday, November 5th and meet some really cool authors and narrators in person.

We don’t get out of the booth often, but when we do we love to chat. Stop by and say hello to a (really nice bunch) of human audiobook narrators who love mysteries. We’ll have our own info table!

When: November 5, 2022, 9:00-5:00p

Where: Roosevelt University, 430 S. Michigan, 2nd fl, Chicago, IL

Hope to see you there!

For more information visit the Midwest Mystery Conference website.