FINDING ALEX, the new romantic suspense from Helen Starbuck is now on audio. This is a kidnapping thriller narrated by an all star cast that I’m overjoyed to be a part of. I’m talking Sebastian York (SebYo!), Tiffany Williams, Johnny Heller and Michael Pauley. Eeeek! And the audiobook is produced by THE amazing Joc at The Audio Flow and engineered by Dani at Elysian Nightfall Studios. You can NOT get a better combination of creatives than this.


From the Publisher:

Not Knowing Can Be Lethal

Assaulted, left for dead, and amnesic, the woman who thinks her name is Alex, may be the only surviving victim of a killer who’s targeting prostitutes and leaving their bodies without fingertips to complicate their identification. Denver Homicide Detective Blake Halloran is sure she is connected to the other killings but he can’t identify her, even with her fingertips intact. And she can’t remember anything—including the face or name of the man who tried to kill her.

With each new victim, it becomes more crucial for Alex to remember what happened to her if Blake and his partner are to solve the murders, but how do you force someone to remember? As Blake’s strong attraction to her and his need to protect her grows, so does his uneasiness about the inability to identify her, whether she’s a villain or a victim, and whether her amnesia is real.


FINDING ALEX is available on Audible, Amazon and (soon) Apple Books.

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